NASA’s Next Giant Leap?

On mars

AdminCadet: Forgive me. I put the “?” in the title on this NASA produced article. I’m attaching the link here. What do you think? I really love the optimistic statement: “…Then bam: Americans take the first steps on Mars!”  I know this article is geared for kids, but really?

If America wants to get to Mars by the 2030’s we need to start building an extensive infrastructure today and set distinct and clear technological goals now, like our NASA mentors did for the Moon missions.  Many talented people have left NASA due to the current unrealistic and chaotic policies being set by the Administration.  Many talented people are gritting their teeth and staying on board in the hopes that something will change for the better.  We need all hands on deck if we really are going to Mars.  And even if you believe the private sector can do a better job getting us there, we need to give them the funding and support they need.

Your comments (in agreement or not) are most welcome…

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